Filter was unable to save the file. %p can’t create a new file for filter to save to. Can’t find Graphing Calculator. This is a raw Adobe Illustrator document. Try opening the file in Adobe Illustrator and then saving it with a preview image and an EPSF header. This is a SuperPaint document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in SuperPaint and then saving as PICT. This file has been compressed by StuffIt. It can’t be opened or imported unless the file is decompressed. This is a Quark XPress document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in XPress and then saving as text. This is a PhotoShop document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in PhotoShop and then saving as EPSF, PICT, or TIFF. This is a PageMaker document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in PageMaker and then saving as text. This is a MacDraw Pro document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in MacDraw Pro and then saving as EPSF or PICT. This is a MacDraw document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in MacDraw and then saving as EPSF or PICT. This is a FreeHand document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in FreeHand and then saving as EPSF. This is a FileMaker Pro database. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in FileMaker Pro and then saving as text. This is a FileMaker database. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in FileMaker and then saving as text. This is an Excel spreadsheet. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in Excel and then saving as text. This file has been compressed by DiskDoubler. It can’t be opened or imported unless the file is decompressed. This file has been compressed by Compactor or Compactor Pro. It can’t be opened or imported unless the file is decompressed. This is a Canvas document. It can't be opened or imported without a suitable translator. Try opening the file in Canvas and then saving as EPSF or PICT. This is an application file. It can't be opened or imported. The preferences file cannot be opened or imported. It holds custom settings which %p remembers from session to session. This is a %p Module. It can’t be opened or imported. It should be in your Modules folder for %p to operate properly. This is a Translator. It can’t be opened or imported. It needs to be in your Filters folder to enable you to read or write file formats from other programs. This is a Document Report. It can’t be opened or imported. It needs to be in your Modules folder to enable you to add functionality to %p. This is an Api Client. It can’t be opened or imported. It needs to be in your Modules folder to enable you to add functionality to %p. This is an external lock file used by other platforms to indicate a related file is in use. It can’t be opened or imported. This is a %p main dictionary file. It holds compressed dictionary data and can’t be opened or imported. It should be located in your dictionaries folder. This is a %p temporary file. It can’t be opened or imported. If %p is not running, you can delete it. %p could not read the imported text. This edition does not have any formats that %p understands. Either an elephant sat on your document or there is an internal FrameMaker error. Cannot parse the edition file. Cannot read the edition file. Cannot open the edition file. Cannot find the edition for this subscriber ReleaseNotes WelcomeDoc The hypertext filename “%0filename” may not work well with %1system. This Encapsulated PostScript file may not include resources needed by %p, and so may not print properly. Check the file using the application which created it. %q - Help OnlineManuals Training ClipArt Samples QuickAccessBarv QuickAccessBar StandardTemplates --- Demonstration 2-0000-00 Summary Comparision CMP .save Layout StructureView Samples DemoDoc Text Document Custom New Document Equations Site Dictionary Frame Help Dictionaries Errors From “%0filename” %q Temp Used internally only. TODO - get rid of this someday Dictionary.temp Personal Dictionary --BadName-- %0n From %0templatename Untitled %0templatename Filters Error Log Templates Untitled Book %p can’t be registered. %p can’t set up the Page Setup dialog box. The document’s page size is larger than the printer’s paper size. Reduce the page image or choose a larger paper size in the Page Setup dialog box. %p can’t print with registration marks. The registration marks won’t fit on the printer paper. Reduce the page image or choose a larger paper size in the Page Setup dialog box. %p can’t finish printing a new page using thumbnails. %p can’t print a new page using thumbnails. There are no pages in the print range that you specified. %p can’t start printing the book. Please use the Chooser to select an available printer. Please use the Chooser to select an available printer. %p can’t finish printing a page. %p can’t print a new page. %p can’t spool the print file to the printer. %p can’t finish the print job. %p can’t begin the print job. %p can’t get the print job information. Please use the Chooser to select an available printer. DAMFindQueryParts3Failed DAMBadQueryDoc2 DAMCloseInterimSessionFailed DAMbuildQueryFromPartsFailed DAMFindQueryParts2Failed DAMdoReplacementFailed DAMHandToHandFailed DAMFindQueryPartsFailed DAMBadQueryDoc DAMDBResultsToTextFailed DAMDBGetQueryResultsFailed DAMStateLoopFailed This query generated no results. Can’t get the detailed DAL error. Can’t cancel the DAL operation. Can’t end the DAL session properly. DAMDBStartQueryFailed Can’t get Query Document information. This is a bad Query Document. Can’t initialize the Data Access Manager. Can’t open the Query Document. DAMStatusBadMessage DAMStatuskDBGetQueryResultsComplete DAMStatuskDBGetItemComplete DAMStatuskDBStartQueryComplete DAMStatuskDBExecComplete DAMStatuskDBSendComplete DAMStatuskDBInitComplete DAMStatuskDBAboutToInit DAMStatuskDBUpdateWind %p can’t update the current preferences file. Changes to the original settings will not be remembered. %p can’t delete the old preferences file. %p can’t create the preferences file. Settings will not be saved when you quit. The preferences file format has changed. Default settings will be used. %p can’t open the preferences file. Default settings will be used. %p can’t create a new dictionary. %p can’t delete the old file. This is not a %p dictionary. %p can’t access this file. Cannot import a document into itself Cannot import this file. There is not enough memory to perform the import. Please select text to import into. Internal Error in the Import code. The QuickTime Extension is not installed. You can’t import a QuickTime movie without it. %p can’t load the QuickTime movie. IMPORTQuickTimeCantAccessfip %p can’t close the QuickTime movie properly. %p can’t open the QuickTime movie. %p can’t load the GIF graphic. IMPORTGIFCantAccessfip %p can’t close the GIF file properly. %p can’t load the GIF graphic. This may be an incompatible version, or there may not be enough memory. %p can’t open the GIF file. %p can’t load the GIF graphic. IMPORTPCXCantAccessfip %p can’t close the PC PaintBrush file properly. %p can’t load the PC PaintBrush graphic. This may be an incompatible version, or there may not be enough memory. %p can’t open the PC PaintBrush file. %p can’t load the XWD graphic. IMPORTXWDCantAccessfip %p can’t close the XWD file properly. %p can’t load the XWD graphic. This may be an incompatible version, or there may not be enough memory. %p can’t open the XWD file. %p has examined this file very carefully, and this document does not look like something that can be imported. IMPORTCantImportTEXTDoc You can’t open this document. Try using the Open command. You can’t import Frame documents. Use the Open command. You can’t import book files. Use the Open command. %p can’t create a temporary MIF file for the filter. Place the insertion point in a text column. There is not enough memory to import this text file. %p can’t load the TIFF preview image for this EPS Binary (IBM format) file. %p can’t open the text file. Not all DCS separations could be loaded for this image (and perhaps for others). The separations may not be named correctly. %p can’t read the beginning of this document. %p can’t load the TIFF file. IMPORTTIFFCantAccessfip %p can’t close the TIFF file. %p can’t load the TIFF file. %p can’t read the TIFF header. %p can’t open the TIFF file. A valid path can’t be built. %p can’t load the Desktop Color Separation (DCS) plates. %p can’t load the bitmap preview image. %p can’t load the PICT preview image. %p can’t load the PostScript in this file. IMPORTEPSFCantAccessfip There is no valid preview image for this PostScript file. It will appear as a gray rectangle on the screen, but should print properly. %p can’t close the resource fork of this EPSF file. %p can’t open the resource fork of this EPSF file. This PostScript doesn’t meet the Adobe EPS standards. %p can’t close the EPSF file properly. %p can’t load the PostScript commands. %p can’t open the EPSF file. %p can’t reset temporary file for next filter. %p can’t read the temporary filter file. %p can’t load the MacPaint graphic. IMPORTMacPaintCantAccessfip %p can’t close the MacPaint file properly. %p can’t load the MacPaint graphic. Either the file is damaged, or there is not enough memory. %p can’t open the MacPaint file. %p can’t store path to this graphic. Probably out of memory. %p can’t load the Sun raster graphic. IMPORTSunRFCantAccessfip %p can’t close the Sun raster file properly. %p can’t load the Sun raster graphic. %p can’t open the file. %p can’t create a temporary MIF file for the filter. %p can’t load the PICT graphic. IMPORTPICTCantAccessfip %p can’t close the PICT file properly. %p can’t load the PICT graphic. %p can’t open the PICT file. %p Can’t create a new object. Probably insufficient memory. MSCRPSpare5 MSCRPSpare4 MSCRPSpare3 MSCRPSpare2 MSCRPSpare1 MSCRPCantFinishGettingFASL There is not enough memory available to read the Clipboard. There is not enough memory available to save the Clipboard. There is not enough memory available to save the Clipboard. MSCRPCantWriteAuxDataHandle MSCRPCantMakeAuxDataHandle There is not enough memory available to save the Clipboard. MSCRPCantCopySwapObjectIntoMemory MSCRPNotEnoughMemoryToLoadSwapObject MSCRPCantPutDataIntoSwapObject MSCRPCantExtractDataFromClipboard There is not enough memory available to read the Clipboard. MSCRPClipboardIsMisbehaving MSCRPSpoolInPICTCantCreateSwapObject MSCRPSpoolInPICTCantAccessNewFip MSCRPSpoolInPICTCantCreateNewObject MSCRPCantAllocPICTSwapObject MSCRPSpoolInTEXTCantDBMSFill %p can’t load the System Clipboard. MSCRPSpoolInTEXTCantAllocSwapObject MSCRPSpoolInTEXTCantAllocBuffer There was a graphic on the Clipboard, but it can’t be loaded. There was text on the Clipboard, but it can’t be loaded. There was a %q document fragment on the Clipboard, but it can’t be loaded. %p can’t export the picture on the Clipboard. %p can’t export the text on the Clipboard. MSCRPSpoolOutTEXTCantFeedSwapObject MSCRPSpoolOutTEXTFailedTextBuffCalloc MSCRPSpoolOutTEXTCantAllocSwapObject MSCRPSpoolOutTEXTCantAllocBuffer MSCRPFoundAndImportedPICT MSCRPFoundAndImportedTEXT MSCRPFoundAndImportedFasl MSCRPUnableToClearClipboard ELWSpare2 ELWSpare1 Not enough free memory to copy the selected information. Can’t add information to the current error log window. Can’t open a new error log window. Internal DBMS error with the log file. Internal DBMS error with the log file. Can’t write all log information to disk. Can’t close log file. Can’t write log file. Can’t open log file. Can’t create log file. Operation Cancelled. DBMSLast The disk-based memory system had an internal error. DBMS read error DBMS read error DBMS read error DBMS write error DBMS read error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error DBMS internal error The disk-based memory system can’t read a swap page from the disk. The disk-based memory system had an input positioning error. The disk-based memory system can’t write a swap page to the disk. The disk-based memory system had an output positioning error. The disk-based memory system can’t extend the size of the swap file. The disk-based memory system had a memory-related error. The disk-based memory system had an internal read error. The disk-based memory system had an internal write error. The disk-based memory system can’t read from disk for some reason. The disk-based memory system can’t create a needed data object. Could not open a temporary work file. The current operation may not be completed. Could not create a temporary work file. The current operation may not be completed. Could not initialize the disk-based memory system cache. SAVESpare5 SAVESpare4 The document was saved, but %p can’t delete an older version of this file. The newer version has an odd prefix. %p can’t save the book’s Printer Screening settings. %p can’t save the document’s Printer Screening settings. %p can’t save the book’s Page Setup settings. Some book-specific settings can’t be saved. All book data was written safely. %p can’t save the text file. %p can’t save the document’s Page Setup settings. Some document-specific settings can’t be saved. All document data was written safely. Can’t build a path to the last known location of this document. Can’t build a path to the file %p just wrote. It was not possible to delete the old backup file. %p can’t create a valid path for the backup file. The document was saved, but %p can’t rename an older version of this file as a backup. The newer version has an odd suffix. %p can’t open the file for writing. %p can’t create a new file for writing. A file error occurred while saving in MIF. %p can’t open the file for writing. %p can’t create a new file for writing. The file that %p wrote may be damaged. %p can’t write the file to disk. %p can’t open the file for writing. %p can’t create a new file for writing. The document was saved, but %p can’t rename it. The older version has an odd suffix. The document was saved, but %p can’t delete an older version of this file. The newer version has an odd prefix. Can’t build a path to the file %q just saved. Graphics copied into the document may be lost. BOOKSpare5 BOOKSpare4 BOOKSpare3 BOOKSpare2 BOOKSpare1 %p can’t verify that all the files in the book exist. Remove these files from the book and add them again, or move them to the correct location using the Finder. Some files in this folder are already in the book. Some documents in this folder are not Normal-format Frame documents. They were skipped. There are no Normal-format Frame documents in this folder. No files were added. There was a problem building a path from the book file to this document. A valid path can’t be built for this book file. Please make sure it has been saved to an online volume. There was a problem building a path from the book file to this document. A valid path can’t be built for this book file. Please make sure it has been saved to an online volume. This document is already in the book. This document’s name may cause it to be removed from the book file. Please rename it so it doesn’t look like a backup, autosave, or recover file. This file is not a Frame document. You can only add documents saved in Normal format.